When Did You Fall In Love?

“I’d rather choose to be alone than to be with someone who would put tears in my eyes”. This statement is something that could be a typical notion of people who like to avoid getting emotionally hurt. Always love like you've never been hurt because God has created a single piece of blood-pumping organ in our body, so-called heart in every man in this world. It is impossible that He has no one for each and every one of us^^.. Stay faithful and just offer a heart full of prayers to Jesus.^^ (unrelated notes to the song here:) but.. 

This wonderful song in my interpretation is actually about a man singing to the Lord Jesus who started loving him. He was asking the Lord when the exact time he was loved. It feels so good for God to remember the days when the child begin being so full of life^^ as it's described in this song. It's a cloud 9 feeling to be loved by Jesus^^

In a secular hearing, this may looked like a man singing to his female bestfriend and the man did not notice the girl before but he realized her now. He was asking his bestfriend, how long she has been waiting for the appropriate time to hear these romantic words from the man she has been longing for so long. He finally came to his senses that someone close is loving him (cute~). 

I am so in love with this amazing song. If God would permit, I would like to have this played on my wedding day^^. Just a dream for now^^.. but still waiting for the “set-apart man” from Lord Jesus Christ.