Best Ones

I don't have an audiobook of this fiction novel authored by Karen Kingsbury but the paperback is a great one already. The story is full of love for others and especially a love for JESUS. The characters here never cease to call on Jesus for their relationship with others. This one is really inspiring and I make sure that I get every interesting point they have in life and how they ensure that GOD is always in the center of their lives. I've read several books of Karen Kingsbury and they were all good ones because the books do not contain anything against my belief. They only give positive messages and do not condemn each reader when the story might have strike one in the past. The story goes really well on every chapter and it gives me more of what one's life can be in reality. The "Bailey Flanigan" series is a must-read for sure. The important thing about reading a book is how it can influence you to become a better person, a good person even if the story does not really originates from a real-life events perhaps. 

"When GOD says He has great plans for you, don't doubt Him."

Board Games Benefits

Choosing the Right Game at Every Age

While in the long run we need to teach values, ethics, academic skills, and the importance of playing by the rules, in the early years the primary goals are helping your child become more self-confident and ambitious and to enjoy playing with others. If you're playing with more than one child, divide the family into teams, giving each player a job he can do well: A younger child may be responsible for rolling the dice (which he considers important, since that is where the luck comes from), and an older child the job of sorting the Monopoly money.

As children approach 5, they have more sophisticated thinking skills and can begin to incorporate and exercise their number, letter, and word knowledge in literacy-based games. By 6, children may prefer more cognitively challenging games like checkers, which require and help develop planning, strategy, persistence, and critical thinking skills. Here are some of our favorite game picks for 5 and 6 year olds.

Scrabble Junior (Milton Bradley): This is the younger cousin of the tremendously educational and challenging Scrabble, which we all know and love. Using large yellow letter tiles, players match letters to words already written on one side of the board. The reverse side has an open grid where older children can create their own words.

Learning highlights: Fosters literacy and language skills. 

Monopoly Junior (Parker Brothers): As they do in its senior sibling, players roll dice to move around the game board and buy real estate. The game is shorter and uses smaller dollar denominations so kids can figure out winnings and penalties more quickly. 

Learning Highlights: Develops math, color recognition, reading, reasoning, and social skills.

For many of us, parenting has not strayed that far of course, but don't we all feel like the evenings are spent too much in isolation? One parent is reading, and the other might be working on a laptop. One kid is at the iPad, and another is busy at the video game console playing Mario. There are many reasons on why you should consider changing your routine with technology and begin playing board games with your kids. Below are the top five reasons why you must.

Bonding- This is not a secret, a family that plays together stays together. We can relationships tend to get stronger with constant interaction among parents and children.

There are games that teach a lot of life and practical lessons too, and that's a bonus.

Life and Practical Lessons- Some of the board games provide lessons in life, virtues and good deeds. Examples for this are Snakes and Ladders, and The Game of Life. Of course, there are many business-related board games that might encourage the development of career skills, or teach them the value of money, the art of negotiation and risk-taking. An excellent example for this is the ever popular Monopoly.

Grammar and Vocabulary- Reading the instructional manual and discussing the rules with your children is enough for children to serve as a grammar and vocabulary lesson. Non-native English speakers can actually practice and be educated with the English language by merely playing the board game. There are also board games that specialize in teaching grammar.

Education- Another important benefit of playing board games with your children is self-education. Children are curious beings, and they tend to explore things they find peculiar. For example, there is a unique animal or unfamiliar nation featured in the board game, playing the game might encourage children to research them further. Also, the Civilization board game gives a lot of historical tidbits that can help the kids in further understanding of world history, and of course, geography. These activities will stimulate learning without our help or from the children's teachers. The children will continue to explore and expand their knowledge base.

Saving Money on Entertainment- In addition to all these wonderful benefits, you get the most bang from board games for your buck. As long as the board game remains intact, you can play them over and over. Many will last for years, and you'll be playing them with your grandchildren.

Regardless of the weather, board games are always an option. They provide opportunities for parents to spend quality time with their children in the winter. And in the northern climes where winters are bitterly cold and nights are long, board games are readily available in specialty stores like this one in Denmark. And on those dark and stormy nights when the electricity goes out, just turn on a flashlight, and you're good to go.

Board games are just a medium, an enjoyable and useful one, for us parents to communicate with our children. We can use this time to ensure that we will always see our children grow up with our own eyes. Board games have the added benefit of accessibility. Because they do not require much in the way of heavy physical activity, there's not much investment here but time.

Then there are the possible intellectual benefits.

Many board game--including the classics, like chess, go, and various mancala games --encourage players to

• detect patterns

• plan ahead

• predict the outcome of alternative moves

• learn from experience

Get an Element's Position Using JavaScript

I would like to place this really educational article for javascript and HTML scripting sample. I am posting excerpts of the article just in case the webpage shutdown in the future and who knows.. Disclaimer: ALL CREDITS goes to the author and this topic interest me although I am NOT a super geek like a Developer, I somehow wanted to learn even a little bit of what is behind a webpage. My write-up ends here. 

Source webpage information of the Author <--------- CLICK

Sample Code

The code for getting X and Y position of an HTML element is provided below:

function getPosition(element) {
    var xPosition = 0;
    var yPosition = 0;
    while(element) {
        xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
        yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
        element = element.offsetParent;
    return { x: xPosition, y: yPosition };
The getPosition function takes a reference to an HTML element in your document as its argument. It returns an object containing an x property and a y property.
Here is an example usage of this function:
var myElement = document.querySelector("selector path to element");
var position = getPosition(myElement);
alert("The image is located at: " + position.x + ", " + position.y);
You can usegetElementByIdgetElementsByTagNamegetElementsByClassName, or any other function that returns a reference to an HTML element that lives in your DOM.

Layout/Position in HTML

For the most part, an element's position is partly determined by its own CSS properties, but it is largelydetermined by its parent's CSS properties. The properties that I am referring to are primarily the padding,margin, and border.

A great visualization of how those properties affect layout is by looking at the box-layout view for the element named container from our example:
look at the element's box
The relevant CSS looks like:
#container {
 padding: 24px;
 margin: 24px;
 border: 50px #ccc solid;
 left: 10px;
 top: 200px;
 position: absolute;
Notice how the values for paddingmargin, and border are represented in the diagram. At the far-left and top, you can see the left and top CSS properties represented because this element is absolutely positioned.

Here is our code again:

function getPosition(element) {
    var xPosition = 0;
    var yPosition = 0;
    while(element) {
        xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
        yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
        element = element.offsetParent;
    return { x: xPosition, y: yPosition };
Let's start at the very top:
function getPosition(element)
Our function is called getPosition, and it takes an argument called element. As you saw from the example usage, the element in question is a reference to an HTML element that lives in your DOM. Preferably, it is the HTML element whose position you are curious about as well.

Next up, we declare two variables called xPosition and yPosition whose values are initialized to 0:
var xPosition = 0;
var yPosition = 0;
These two variables will be used to keep a count of our element's current x and y position as we go through each of the element's parents. That will become more clear when we look at the next block of code:
while(element) {
    xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
    yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
    element = element.offsetParent;
This is where the magic happens. We have a while loop that starts with the element we passed in, measures the current element's position/layout properties, keeps a running tally of the current position/layout-related values by updating the xPosition and yPosition variables, and makes its way up to the root of your document via the offsetParent property. The loop ends when there are no more parents for us to run into.
Let's dive into this a little bit further. Earlier, I mentioned that the layout/position of an element is affected by the padding, margin, and border properties. If the element is positioned absolutely or relatively, that will stir things up a bit further with some top/left properties coming into the mix.
If you look at our code, there is no mention of padding, margin, border, top, or left. The three properties we measure instead are the offset*scroll*, and client* properties. That may seem a bit bizarre, but what we are looking for is indeed contained in these three properties. It just requires some digging and research.

The Offset Properties

The offsetLeft and offsetTop properties return the left and top positions relative to their nearestoffsetParent. That probably makes no sense. What I am trying to say is that these properties measure the distance from the current element's top-left corner to its nearest offset parent.
For example, here is the offsetTop and offsetLeft value for our image element:
offset top

The value is 24 because the parent (aka the container) pushes the image away by 24 pixels. The pushing away could be determined by many factors. In this case, the factor is the parent container's padding value. The offsetTop and offsetLeft values put a numerical value to how much a parent has pushed you away:
xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
Each parent element has a similar offset value, so our loop just sums all of them up until there is no parent left. The end result is a sum of all the offset positions to help give you an accurate position that takes into account margins, paddings, and top/left values. There is one thing missing though...

The Border

The one value the offset properties don't take into account is an element's border. The reason is that the border is considered a part of an inner element's top-left corner, but its size does have an effect on the position of something. To measure the border size, we use the clientLeft and clientTop properties:
xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
Right now, with our offset* and client* properties, we have accounted for paddings, margins, borders, and top/left properties. In 99% of all cases, this should be all you need to take into account...unless your case is part of that remaining 1%.


The element you are looking for may be inside a container that scrolls. If your container is scrolling, then the position of your element needs to take that scroll into account. To make sure that is taken care of, we measure the scrollLeft and scrollTop properties:
xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
Notice that the values of the scroll* properties is subtracted as opposed to being added like the offset* and client* properties.

The last thing we will look at is...well, the last line:
return { x: xPositiony: yPosition };
After our loop has completed, all that is left is return the xPosition and yPosition variables to the code that called our getPosition function in the first place. I return them in the form of a new object that contains an x and y property store the values found in the xPosition and yPosition variables respectively.