Why Did We Get Saved?

When we decided to accept Jesus Christ as our Only Saviour and LORD, it does not end there. There is definitely a long way to go and it is a continous process, a never-ending journey towards reaching His Kingdom. As a follower of Jesus, we should not stagnate; we are a work-in-progress, we are a masterpiece of GOD being polished continously. We are then given tasks as a follower of Jesus. Here are some of the reasons why we get saved and learn the promise of JESUS when we choose to be saved. 

"Fellowship in the Gospel"

After sanctification, it is difficult to state what your purpose in life is, because God has moved you into His purpose through the Holy Spirit. He is using you now for His purposes throughout the world as He used His Son for the purpose of our salvation. If you seek great things for yourself, thinking, “God has called me for this and for that,” you barricade God from using you. 

As long as you maintain your own personal interests and ambitions, you cannot be completely aligned or identified with God’s interests. This can only be accomplished by giving up all of your personal plans once and for all, and by allowing God to take you directly into His purpose for the world. Your understanding of your ways must also be surrendered, because they are now the ways of the Lord.

I must learn that the purpose of my life belongs to God, not me. God is using me from His great personal perspective, and all He asks of me is that I trust Him. I should never say, “Lord, this causes me such heartache.” To talk that way makes me a stumbling block. When I stop telling God what I want, He can freely work His will in me without any hindrance. 

He can crush me, exalt me, or do anything else He chooses. He simply asks me to have absolute faith in Him and His goodness. Self-pity is of the devil, and if I wallow in it I cannot be used by God for His purpose in the world. Doing this creates for me my own cozy “world within the world,” and God will not be allowed to move me from it because of my fear of being “frost-bitten.”

“and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith,”

I Thessalonians 3:2 NKJV

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데살로니가전서 3:2 KRV

To Become New

Your identity changes once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You are no longer the wild generation-- you are now the chosen generation. You are no longer a freeloader-- you are now a royal priesthood. You no longer belong to the darkness-- you are now salt and light. You are no longer an outcast-- you are God's holy nation! Your responsibility no longer includes pleasing others-- you are now responsible for proclaiming the praises of God! Do not accept who you were. Know who you are! You have become new! 

To Be Free

Happy Independence Day! After accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are free! At First, He is your Savior, which means He rescued you from a sinful and falling world! He came and snatched you out of your mess! Secondly, He is your Lord, which means he is the leader of your life and you must obey Him.

Don't just celebrate the independence and freedom of your country. Celebrate your freedom from sin and your freedom in Christ Jesus! Recall that day your soul was released from darkness. It is a day to never forget!  

To Share Christ

I've always thought sharing Jesus was the sole responsibility of pastors. I thought they were the only ones who had the right to explain who Jesus is. Now that I have read the bible for myself, I understand that all Christians have a responsibility to share Christ. How can someone believe in The Lord if they have never heard of Him?

When was the last time you shared Christ with a stranger? What if you're the person Jesus has assigned to someone's coming to know Him? What if you are that someone who will represent the light of Christ in an extremely dark area? Guess what! You are that someone! Today, trust where God leads you. He has someone who needs to learn of Jesus through you! 

To Receive Grace

When I think of grace, I think of firemen who walk into fires to bring people out alive. These firemen don't know if they are saving bad people- they just save them. Jesus is the same way. He personally walked into each of our situations, and saved us from being destroyed. It's nothing we could ever repay. It's His loving kindness, and His grace that constantly rescues us. On the worst day, He gives us joy. When we are exhausted with life, He gives us rest. At night, when we have thoughts of worry about tomorrow, His gives us peace. When we fail and make mistakes, He gives us grace.

To Follow Jesus

Have you ever started something and didn't finish it? I have. I've started projects and didn't finish them. I've left many things unfinished, down to my plate of food. However, following Jesus requires a higher level of commitment and tenacity from us. He expects us to follow him to completion. This is why he asked his disciples to count the cost before they followed him. 

Like the disciples, we have to count the cost and be committed to our journey of Salvation. Jesus doesn't want quitters to follow him. He desires people who won't let their emotions stop them; people who won't let their circumstances stop them; and people who won't let people stop them. Salvation must be finished! It can't be an undone assignment or a partially eaten meal. It has to be walked out to the end.

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Topic: Why Did I Get Saved?