Daily Quiet Time

Here are 5 easy steps to begin a daily quiet time:

Pick a definite place where you’ll be everyday for your quiet time. Obviously if you travel frequently this is more difficult, but the more routine you can make this the better. It should be as free of distractions as possible. This place will soon become very comfortable to you.

Schedule Time
Pick a reasonable amount of time and put it on your schedule. If you use an electronic calendar like I do, you can set it to repeat the appointment everyday. Start with 15 minutes, maybe even 10. The key at this point is consistency, so make sure you don’t burden yourself with something you will not do. By the way, it most likely will seem like a sacrifice at first, but keep the objective in mind. You need this. As you accomplish discipline in a little time it will be easier to increase the time you spend.

Decide basically how you will structure your quiet time. You may ask first what you hope to achieve and base your format around that. If developing intimacy with God in prayer is your goal, then certainly choose to spend more time in prayer. If Bible knowledge is your goal, then you may want to choose to do a Bible study. You can change the format over time and do combinations of each of these.

Decide what you will specifically do in your time. Will you do a Bible study or simply read Scripture and pray? If your time is 15 minutes, for example, you could spend 6 minutes reading the Bible; 3 minutes talking to God; 2 minutes in silence, asking God to speak to you; and 4 minutes writing your thoughts at the time. If you choose the structure of a Bible study, you may need to allow more time, but again, the key is that you decide before you start what you are going to do during this time. The goal is not to be mechanical or punch a clock here, but rather to provide structure, which will lead to productivity in your building your God relationship. Don’t worry as much about what activities you are doing at this point, just do something.

Commit to doing something consistently for at least 30 days. Every day… without exception… do it… whether you “feel” like it or not. If you miss the exact time, make it up later in the day. Again, it will require sacrifice. Habits and lifestyles form this way and you’ll need this discipline, because as soon as you attempt this dozens of obstacles will stand in your way.

Now I realize “easy” is not the best choice of words for this post, but I did want you to read it. Forming this time into your daily schedule will not be easy. Nothing of value is ever easy. The main objective for any of us, including pastors, is disciplining ourselves to do something everyday. Over time, it becomes a habit that is easily repeated. Even better, it will soon become the best and most productive part of your day.

Same thing as what the author of the article mentioned, it is a true bliss to wake up every morning or go to bed every evening doing these things with someone special. How I wish to do these wonderful things for GOD, with something called a "family of GOD". <3 praying.. 

Wars In Heaven

When I was a Sunday school kid, I learned a very interesting Bible story about "A War In Heaven". I remember how fascinated I was when I was listening to someone (a Sunday school teacher or my mother) telling the story about a great battle of Heaven's angels. I learned at that very young age who Lucifer is and how he changed to become Satan/Devil. As years passed, I began to hear a lingering eagerness in my heart that I want to know the details of what happened in that Bible story. And here they are; the modern technology humans created had brought me the information I longed to watch/hear. A group of Christians created a 2-year-in-the-making of the video of "Wars in Heaven". These are precious videos for me because they suffice my eagerness to undertand everything back again. Stories like these were memories of a Sunday School teaching and of a summer Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) but now, the Internet was able to bring them back. 

GOD loves His creations so much. He has foundations and created "Covenants" to show how deeply He is inlove with His wonderful creations. 

My heart, I offered to You My LORD JESUS CHRIST. I am a sinner, You forgave my inequities. I am asking You to keep the heart pure until the Judgement Day comes. Please hold my hands tight and use me as an instrument to bless others. I humble myself to You my LORD. Protect my family and friends always. Thank you for Your Grace and for Your great LOVE for all of us. Thank you for dying on the cross, our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Thank You for saving a sinner like me. 

Help me find "the one" my LORD.. I am still waiting for him.. Whom I will be with, cheerfully and joyfully.. both of us serving You. Give Your protection over me, my friends and my dear family. Thank You LORD JESUS.

Wars in Heaven and Why GOD Created Humans

Have you ever wondered why God created us? Some Christians may think God was lonely and wanted to create something He could love and have a relationship with. However, before the creation of man, God already had created countless loyal angels and other celestial beings. If He already has relationships with them, why would God want to create humans? Besides, humans were created lower than the angels. Why would God spend his time guiding and teaching them? Why would He even think of giving up His life for them?

The War in Heaven (part 1)

The War in Heaven (part 3)

The War in Heaven (part 3)

The War in Heaven (part 4)

The War in Heaven (part 5)