Dear Jesus

Jesus you are watching over me, as I trust and obey. And I follow You, where you are leading me. Jesus! Jesus! 

Dear Jesus,

My journey is indeed one of faltering steps. Today I feel as if it's a challenge just to take the next step. I find it all too easy to be aware of my neediness. If I didn't know You were with me, I would despair. I confess that I sometimes get discouraged about my ongoing weaknesses. I know that dependence on You brings spiritual blessings, yet at times I feel trapped by my limitations. 

Jesus: Beloved, awareness of your need for Me creates a strong connection to My Presence. My Power flows into you continually: It gives you strength to take the next faltering step, strength to resist discouragement and despair, strength to know Me in intimate dependence. Only My Power can provide such strength, enabling you to live abudantly in the midst of your limitations. Your day-to-day preserverance, in dependence on Me, is every bit as supernatural as an outright miracle. 
      Because you are my Beloved child, I choose to bless you. However, I bless you in ways that are unique to your needs and My design for you. Your difficulties do not signify lack of faith or lack of blessing. They are means to help you stay on the path I have chosen for you. Though the way before you may be steep and rocky, it is nonetheless the path of Life. It is where you encounter My luminous Presence-radiating Peace that transcends your limitations. 

Source: "Dear Jesus" book by Sarah Young (author of 'Jesus Calling')

Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise GOD our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. (Jude 1:24-25 KJV)

And the peace of GOD, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7 KJV)