Why Did We Get Saved?

When we decided to accept Jesus Christ as our Only Saviour and LORD, it does not end there. There is definitely a long way to go and it is a continous process, a never-ending journey towards reaching His Kingdom. As a follower of Jesus, we should not stagnate; we are a work-in-progress, we are a masterpiece of GOD being polished continously. We are then given tasks as a follower of Jesus. Here are some of the reasons why we get saved and learn the promise of JESUS when we choose to be saved. 

"Fellowship in the Gospel"

After sanctification, it is difficult to state what your purpose in life is, because God has moved you into His purpose through the Holy Spirit. He is using you now for His purposes throughout the world as He used His Son for the purpose of our salvation. If you seek great things for yourself, thinking, “God has called me for this and for that,” you barricade God from using you. 

As long as you maintain your own personal interests and ambitions, you cannot be completely aligned or identified with God’s interests. This can only be accomplished by giving up all of your personal plans once and for all, and by allowing God to take you directly into His purpose for the world. Your understanding of your ways must also be surrendered, because they are now the ways of the Lord.

I must learn that the purpose of my life belongs to God, not me. God is using me from His great personal perspective, and all He asks of me is that I trust Him. I should never say, “Lord, this causes me such heartache.” To talk that way makes me a stumbling block. When I stop telling God what I want, He can freely work His will in me without any hindrance. 

He can crush me, exalt me, or do anything else He chooses. He simply asks me to have absolute faith in Him and His goodness. Self-pity is of the devil, and if I wallow in it I cannot be used by God for His purpose in the world. Doing this creates for me my own cozy “world within the world,” and God will not be allowed to move me from it because of my fear of being “frost-bitten.”

“and sent Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you and encourage you concerning your faith,”

I Thessalonians 3:2 NKJV

우리 형제 그리스도 복음의 하나님의 일군인 디모데를 보내노니 이는 너희를 굳게 하고 너희 믿음에 대하여 위로함으로

데살로니가전서 3:2 KRV

To Become New

Your identity changes once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You are no longer the wild generation-- you are now the chosen generation. You are no longer a freeloader-- you are now a royal priesthood. You no longer belong to the darkness-- you are now salt and light. You are no longer an outcast-- you are God's holy nation! Your responsibility no longer includes pleasing others-- you are now responsible for proclaiming the praises of God! Do not accept who you were. Know who you are! You have become new! 

To Be Free

Happy Independence Day! After accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are free! At First, He is your Savior, which means He rescued you from a sinful and falling world! He came and snatched you out of your mess! Secondly, He is your Lord, which means he is the leader of your life and you must obey Him.

Don't just celebrate the independence and freedom of your country. Celebrate your freedom from sin and your freedom in Christ Jesus! Recall that day your soul was released from darkness. It is a day to never forget!  

To Share Christ

I've always thought sharing Jesus was the sole responsibility of pastors. I thought they were the only ones who had the right to explain who Jesus is. Now that I have read the bible for myself, I understand that all Christians have a responsibility to share Christ. How can someone believe in The Lord if they have never heard of Him?

When was the last time you shared Christ with a stranger? What if you're the person Jesus has assigned to someone's coming to know Him? What if you are that someone who will represent the light of Christ in an extremely dark area? Guess what! You are that someone! Today, trust where God leads you. He has someone who needs to learn of Jesus through you! 

To Receive Grace

When I think of grace, I think of firemen who walk into fires to bring people out alive. These firemen don't know if they are saving bad people- they just save them. Jesus is the same way. He personally walked into each of our situations, and saved us from being destroyed. It's nothing we could ever repay. It's His loving kindness, and His grace that constantly rescues us. On the worst day, He gives us joy. When we are exhausted with life, He gives us rest. At night, when we have thoughts of worry about tomorrow, His gives us peace. When we fail and make mistakes, He gives us grace.

To Follow Jesus

Have you ever started something and didn't finish it? I have. I've started projects and didn't finish them. I've left many things unfinished, down to my plate of food. However, following Jesus requires a higher level of commitment and tenacity from us. He expects us to follow him to completion. This is why he asked his disciples to count the cost before they followed him. 

Like the disciples, we have to count the cost and be committed to our journey of Salvation. Jesus doesn't want quitters to follow him. He desires people who won't let their emotions stop them; people who won't let their circumstances stop them; and people who won't let people stop them. Salvation must be finished! It can't be an undone assignment or a partially eaten meal. It has to be walked out to the end.

From YouVersion Bible App Plans

Topic: Why Did I Get Saved?

Help! I like a Non-Christian

Q. I read your article about not dating non-Christians, and I agree with you to some degree. My biggest problem with this article is how you make it sound like a sin to love someone. I am currently dating a guy who is not a Christian, but I couldn’t see myself judging him because of it. What if by me spending my time with him and loving him for who he is I bring him closer to Christ? I have always been taught to love everyone and not to judge, yet unfortunately you’re saying the exact opposite. I guess it takes a certain kind of person to love and accept those who are not perfect. I would like to think that the Lord is one of those people. In fact I know he is, so then why is it so wrong to love one who is not in love with Christ?


A. Well, Alicia, you are not alone in your opinions. I received many complaints for telling Jessica to stop liking a non-Christian guy. Whew! That hit a nerve!

"How can it be a sin to love someone?" my readers cried. "God tells us to love everybody! Stop hating non-Christians!" my readers reprimanded.

Let me clear up this misunderstanding: I agree with you - God wants us to love non-Christians. Let me say that loud and clear: LOVE NON-CHRISTIANS!

But (you felt a "but" coming didn’t you), what does it mean to "love" someone? There are many different kinds of love. In my column to Jessica, I was only talking about romantic love, not any other kind of love. Romantic love is different than other kinds of love. And God has strict rules governing romantic love.

So, while God urges us to "love" everybody, He does NOT urge us to love everybody romantically. I think you’d all agree with me. That would be pretty absurd, wouldn’t it? Do you want to have a romantic relationship with your mom? I don’t think so. But does God want you to love your mom? Yes, He does.

When God tells us to "love" our enemies, He is telling us to be kind to them, to have compassion for them, to treat them with mercy. When God tells us to "love" other Christians, He is telling us to love them like they are part of our families, like they are our brothers and sisters. He is certainly not telling us to love our enemies, non-Christians, and fellow Christians with a romantic kind of love.

You say that Jesus loves and accepts those who are not perfect and so should we. You are half-right and half-wrong. Jesus loves everyone, but Jesus does not accept everyone. Jesus will not accept any person into the Kingdom of Heaven who has refused to trust Him as their personal Savior.

This is a very good illustration that applies to Christians dating non-Christians. We love everyone, yes, but we do not accept everyone into our lives to have intimate relationships with us. And the very most intimate form of human relationship is a romantic relationship. In fact, God uses marriage to illustrate His relationship with His believers. He is the groom and we are His bride. This kind of "romance" with God is only for believers.

As I mentioned before, when it comes to romance, God has some very strict rules. You can’t just have a romantic relationship with anybody you choose! For example, God forbids you from having romantic relationships with your parents (Leviticus 18:7-8; 1 Corinthians 5:1) or other close relatives like your aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters (Leviticus 18:6). God forbids you from having romantic relationships with animals (Leviticus 18:23). God forbids you from having romantic relationships with someone who is already married (Hebrews 13:4). God forbids you from having romantic relationships with members of the same sex (Romans 1:26-27).

So, is "love" ever wrong? You betcha! When you’re talking about romantic love, there are lots of situations where it is wrong according to the Bible.

I believe that a romantic relationship with a non-Christian falls into the category of romances forbidden in the Bible. However, let me be the first to acknowledge that the Bible does not specifically say, "Don’t date a non-Christian. You are sinning if you do." The Bible never mentions dating, since the idea of "dating" did not exist at the time the Bible was written.

However, I believe the principles contained in 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 teach us that we should not get involved in romantic relationships with non-Christians.

As for the argument that you can witness to someone by dating them, I don’t buy that. Let’s assume that it is wrong to have romantic relationships with non-Christians (you’ll have to study the Scripture for yourself on this issue - I’m just telling you what I think). If you are disobeying God by dating your boyfriend, then you are saying with your actions that God isn’t very important to you. God is not worth obeying. God is not worth loving. Is that the kind of message you want to send?

God says, "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." (1 Peter 2:11-12)

“사랑하는 여러분, 우리는 이 세상에서 나그네와 행인 같은 사람들입니다. 그러므로 영혼을 대적하여 싸우는 육체의 정욕을 이기십시오. 여러분은 이방인들 가운데서 선한 생활을 하십시오. 그러면 여러분이 악을 행한다고 비난하는 사람들이 여러분의 선한 행실을 보고 그들이 회개하는 날에 하나님께 영광을 돌리게 될 것입니다.”-- 베드로전서 2:11-12

God specifically tells us that it is our good lives - our obedience to Him - that will help win over non-Christians. Sure, sometimes it works out where a Christian and non-Christian hook up and the one eventually becomes saved. But that’s only by the grace of God. God never ever says that’s it’s okay to disobey Him for a good cause. Besides, you don’t need to have a romantic relationship with someone in order to witness to them.

My suggestion for those who break up with their non-Christian boyfriends is to find someone else who can witness to him after the break-up. And I’d recommend that person be another guy, maybe your youth pastor, maybe a guy from your youth group, maybe your own father.

In conclusion, let me again urge you all to love every person with Christian compassion and charity. But don’t confuse Christian compassion with romantic love.

Source: Help! I Like a Non-Christian

What Kind of Christians Are We?

This note might sound too offending to the entire denomination but personally knowing a lot like them of the same religion, I could testify the reality of this testimony. My apologies.

According to Wikipedia, there are 10 million Presbyterians in South Korea. All Korean Presbyterian folks I have met and have known so far fit to the video uploader description of "Lukewarm Christians". Going to church on Sundays but not really followers of Jesus at all. They think that going to church is all they have to do. They are hostile and unwilling to hear or talk about the urgency of the time. In their sermon/teaching, there is zero mention of end times and zero mention of full repentance. Not at all. All hypocrisy. They believe that Sunday attendance is a must, you are sinning if you don't go to church building on Sunday and they are not really applying the Holy Bible teaching in their lives. They believe that Calvinism is great, smoking, drinking and going to clubs is not sinful, lust, fornication and immorality of all sorts are accepted, undergoing plastic surgery to get confidence is okay, greedy for popularity, fame and always after money and career, never satisfied on anything, always envious and they are calling another rebuking-believer a pharisee. More worst, they are full of vanity like the non-believers. The presbyterian people I have known fit the characteristics of "Lukewarm Christians". Fornication is normal with Presbyterian people too. And many people choose this Christian denomination because they do not really teach the true Gospel of Jesus regarding SINS. Many Koreans choose this denomination to escape the punch of the reality of GOD's Word. I was really wondering why these kind of beliefs and doctrines exists. 

Many of then do also have sorrows in life but based on my observation, theirs are just worldly sorrows like feeling bad of not having good career like others, feeling miserable because of not having too much money, some are sad because they could not buy the trendy make-up/cosmetics online, they feel bad because their skin are not as great as the actress they see on TV, or the trendy clothes, shoes and bags they wanted are too expensive for them to purchase. More of them are addicted to movies, video/mobile games and pornography and sex outside marriage. They are totally a different group of Christians than a non-denominational or with other denominations of Christians in their country. I have witnessed and observed everything. It has been many years of observation, it is a warning for me since.. 

I pray that GOD will do great miracles to change these things according to His Plan and Will.

Please carefully take a listen to this video in the link below. Surprisingly, his description really fit them. Truly sad, apostacy is happening too.. 

Lukewarm Christians Defined

Bible Prayer Partner

Right now, we don't know each other yet because we have not met. I asked Jesus for you to find us one day. I may not know you yet and you don't know us at the moment but I pray that you are always well. Here is my prayer for your parents and for my parent too.

"Loving Father thank You for my wonderful parent and the love and support that she have given us throughout our life – and thank You Lord that You placed me in a family with a parent that know and trust You and for the example she has been to us throughout our childhood and into our adult life.


Thank You Father that she was chosen by You to be Your child and that You used her to bring us into a loving trust of Jesus, our Saviour. Protect her and keep her from all harm and danger and grant her the health and strength as she gets a little older. Thank You for being our Father and our Bestfriend. Amen ^^


--Two Parents

Loving Father thank You for my wonderful parents and the love and support that they have given me throughout my life – and thank You Lord that You placed me in a family with parents that know and trust You and for the example they have been to me throughout my childhood and into my adult life. .


Thank You Father that they were chosen by You to be Your children and that You used them to bring me into a loving trust of Jesus, my Saviour. Protect them and keep them from all harm and danger and grant them the health and strength as they get a little older." —————————————————————❥

Hey future close friend in Jesus, I have this poem. I made it and gave it to someone but he did not appreciate. He just ignored and did not say anything. I would like to offer this to you instead. I hope you will like it:

For My Far Way Good Friend Whom I Love


Poem #1 (05/22/2018 Texas, USA)


Sometimes I lay still inside my heart

On a cozy chair with a good skyview

I put on my earphones, humming melodies

I play every song that makes me remember you

Remembering what you are to me

I wish I could hug you

I wish we could talk and play

I wish I could hear your sweet voice everyday.

you are there.

i am here.

We live far apart so I need to keep

Pictures of you in my heart.


잠 17:17-친구는 사랑이 끊이지 아니하고 형제는 위급한 때까지 위하여 났느니라. 나는 너를 위해서 기도할게~난 한심해~

A God, who has always watched over us, protected us and has always been with us. In our going out and our coming in. In our growing up, He has watched over us, protected us and has always been with us.

Intimacy with God is something that cannot be shaken and only a person who has got that affirmation can make that statement. Nothing else matters. Not wealth, not riches, not our homes, not relationships, it is us. He is OUR God. .

To that someone who wanted to listen to anything I share under the sun, either a simple boring one or a discussion about the Bible and Jesus' Life, THANK YOU so much~~ I am really blessed and I am truly happy that you are always ready to lend your ears. Some stories are not interesting but you still choose to talk and share your thoughts. I always wanted to hear how you have been after a hard day at work or where you have been and what you did with friends or others. Even your plans and anything about your life^^ . Praying together and walking together in GOD.

Thank you so much for trusting me. . Thank you for loving Jesus genuinely. 

Keep the ones that heard you when you never said a word.. and stay loyal like a penguin~

A snowflake is winter’s butterfly.

I fervently prayed God would send me a friend. I didn't desire popularity. I just wanted one good friend, whom I could grow my faith in Jesus.

Matthew 18:20 - Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in My Name, there am I among them.”

Proverbs (잠) 17:17 A friend loves at all times..

If you're the Christian person whom GOD has destined for us to meet, I PRAY you will find us.. Thank you. 조심하세요. My apologies for a little disclaimer, Im really interested to have a serious talk about the Bible, have respect in the Word of GOD during sharing, and I would appreciate if you would allow me to ask questions and say what I feel about the topic. In short, I pray to have a healthy, joyful talk about the Word of GOD and know your feelings through GOD's Word. Thank you~~^^

LORD JESUS, please uplift the future someone if he is afraid or lonely or hurting. Please give him a spirit of joy, Jesus. Thank You. Amen. 

Your Future-Friend-In-Jesus



Let us travel and take a train or drive a car to the place we will cherish together, forever~~^^

Please let us sit and talk about anything.. I wanted to hear about your day, your thoughts and I appreciate if you could listen and hear my stories too. 

SELF-IMAGE (YouVersion) Bible

Self-image is the idea of one's abilities, appearance and personality. If we are conscious of our health, to keep ourselves fit and healthy, there is nothing wrong. But, if we do it only to focus on our self-image, there is a problem. People are not content with how they look. They always need the externals to make them feel good.

The reason because our self-image takes a beating is that we have grown in negativism, rejection, we are constantly compared, we are unappreciated, the importance we received before, we don't receive now, and the media has set a difficult standard on how we should look and feel. If we have a low self-image, we don't want to go out to socialise, we don’t want to meet people. The Bible says that our beauty should not come from our externals. What matters most to God is the inner self.

The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit is of great worth in God's sight. Many people want to desperately please others. We have lost the confidence to face the world.

Psalm 139: 14 says I will praise You, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

We are so significant that He sent His only Son to die for us. We are made in His image. Our self-image is not what we possess but who possesses us.

Let us remember that the only thing that is worth in us is the treasure that is in us, the treasure in jars of clay.

  • We are not an afterthought. We are His masterpiece. In the life of Joseph, he was rejected, unloved, misunderstood, forgotten, but Joseph in his heart knew he was the Lord's masterpiece. He also knew in his heart that for a time such as this he was chosen. He had to go through the valley experience. But the Lord chose him.
  • There is no other YOU in our generation. We are unique. God chose Esther for a time such as this. To save a whole nation and generation.
  • To have a better self-image, we need to have more of His image seen in us. The woman at the well came at six o'clock in the evening; the entire village was inside. She was all alone. She felt rejected, used and abused, scarred. But when Jesus spoke to her, her eyes were opened. She left the pot, ran back to the village and told them: Come and see the one who told me about my entire life. Because of her proclamation, many Samaritans believed. Christ made a difference in her life. A nobody, she became a somebody because she was willing to let Jesus take control of her life.
  • People's acceptance or opinion of us will never alter God's plan for us. Whatever people did, the Lord's ultimate purpose was fulfilled in Joseph’s life.

Let us give complete control to Jesus. He will make us a blessing.

When we yield ourselves to the Lord, He makes us a fruit bearing person.

“Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:3-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“너희 단장은 머리를 꾸미고 금을 차고 아름다운 옷을 입는 외모로 하지 말고 오직 마음에 숨은 사람을 온유하고 안정한 심령의 썩지 아니할 것으로 하라 이는 하나님 앞에 값진 것이니라”

‭‭베드로전서‬ ‭3:3-4‬ ‭KRV‬‬

“Não se preocupem com a beleza exterior obtida com penteados extravagantes, joias caras e roupas bonitas. Em vez disso, vistam-se com a beleza que vem de dentro e que não desaparece, a beleza de um espírito amável e sereno, tão precioso para Deus.”

‭‭1Pedro‬ ‭3:3-4‬ ‭NVT‬‬

“Vuestro atavío no sea el externo de peinados ostentosos, de adornos de oro o de vestidos lujosos, sino el interno, el del corazón, en el incorruptible adorno de un espíritu afable y apacible, que es de grande estima delante de Dios,”

‭‭1 Pedro‬ ‭3:3-4‬ ‭RVR95‬‬

Why He Doesn't Want to Marry a Church Girl

by Anonymous Warrior Poet | September 1, 2016

I Have a Secret Confession.

I’ve thought a lot about it over the years and need to get it out in the open. Once you hear it, you may call me crazy. You likely won’t understand what I mean, but it’s still true. I’ve talked with other warrior poets over the years and many of them agree with me.

Okay, okay. I won’t put it off any longer. Here’s my confession…

I don’t want to marry a church girl.

Whew! There, I said it.

A Little Background

I grew up in the church and was accustomed to the typical youth group culture where everyone flirted, paired off, and yet talked about saving themselves for their future spouses. It was the only thing I knew, having never seen anything different. But it didn’t sit right with me.
I didn’t date in high school and by the time I got into college, I was continually bombarded by friends and sweet grandmothers in the church who would point to someone and ask why I didn’t pursue Miss So-and-So.

Looking back, I guess it was merely another layer of the modern church culture—we need to push the single godly guy to pursue the damsel in distress. I mean, wouldn’t they just be perfect together?

My problem was, when I looked at Miss So-and-So, I wasn’t impressed or awestruck—she was just a “church girl”.

The Problem with Church Girls

Let me clarify something right up front—you should go to church. It is important to be in fellowship with other believers, sharing life, encouraging and exhorting one another, and pointing each other to Christ. Church is important.

Yet the problem with too many Christians is that we assume “punching the time clock” down at the church each week makes us righteous, spiritual, or holy. Yes, attending church is important, but it’s the life lived outside the church walls that really counts. We often talk spiritual but don’t live it. We esteem a victorious and godly life but fail to demonstrate it in our everyday life. We desire for Jesus to be at the center of our lives but instead allow the world to take center stage.
I’ve met far too many women who go to church on Sunday but live however they want to throughout the week. There is a facade of godliness but a lack of spiritual fruit. Yes, there may be evidence of true spiritual life, but there is a lack of passion, hunger, and deep desperation for Jesus Christ.

You see, I don’t want to marry such a girl. It’s not that church girls are bad, I just don’t want to marry one.

The Girl I Want to Marry

The girl I want to marry doesn’t just go to church but actually lives the Christian life. She doesn’t simply esteem godliness, she exercises it (see 1 Timothy 4:7b). She doesn’t talk about wanting to spend time in God’s Word or in prayer, she continually does so (see Psalm 1:2 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Here are thirteen characteristics I’ve noticed that mark a young woman as either being a “church girl” or a “set apart girl”:

Church girl
Prayer is a duty
Takes her Bible to church
Embarrassed to tell others about Jesus
Draws attention to herself
Serves with selfish motives
Hints and flirts with guys
Uses clothing to manipulate
Nags, complains, & is nitpicky
Lives with fickleness & inconsistency
Lacks eternal perspective
Runs spiritual short sprints & fades out
Builds her life around herself
Is desperate for male attention

Set apart girl
Delights spending time in prayer
Longs to know Jesus more through His Word
Can't help but share the Gospel
Draws the focus of others to Jesus
Serves from a motive of genuine love
Guards her heart & emotions
Dresses with beautiful modesty
Encourages, uplifts, & refreshes others
Lives with purpose & intention
Lives with eternal priorities
Runs with endurance the race set before her
Builds her life around Jesus alone
Waits for God to script her love story

I Can Clearly Remember the First Time I Saw the Girl I Wanted to Marry.

I can’t describe her physical attributes to you—how tall she is, what color of hair she has, or the style of clothing she wears, and so on. But I saw her, and I was captivated. For the first time, as I closed the book Set Apart Femininity, I had a clear picture of what she looked liked—I had caught a glimpse of my future wife. 

I didn’t see her face but her life was a breathtaking picture of servant-hearted givenness. She wasn’t self-focused; rather, she was obsessed with and wrapped up in Jesus. She took no thought for herself but continually poured her strength out for others. She loved the Word of God, spending time reading, studying, and memorizing its truth. She wasn’t captured by culture but stood boldly for Jesus Christ. She was beautiful and stunning, not because she drew people’s attention to herself or wore revealing clothing—quite the opposite. She guarded her emotions, lived with decorum, had an alluring mystique about her, and lived with a confident, strong, and daring faith. 


My future wife is a Christian. Not the modern variety nor the one who claims to be religious. My future wife is an authentic, victorious, obsessed, all-in, fully-given, set apart Christian girl. And I can’t wait to hold her hand at the front of the aisle and declare my love for her…and thank her for not merely being a “church girl.”

Source/Credits : 


I pray that someone will appreciate all the things I do with love from Jesus. They may not truly understand my real intentions maybe because of their ears, heart and mind being blocked by Satan. However, I believe in my heart that Jesus will open someone's heart for me. Someone who would truly understand, care and love me and my family in Jesus^^ Walk with God together~ Thank You Father GOD for being our Best Friend. 


Prayer For A Godly Spouse

LORD GOD, Our Heavenly Father, Your Word declares that if I delight myself in You (Psalm 37:4)—if I enjoy and seek Your pleasure above mine—You'll give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4). Desiring a husband is neither evil nor selfish because marriage is honorable (Hebrews 13:4). At the beginning of creation, You proclaimed, "It is not good that man should be alone" and then you created Eve to be a suitable partner for Adam (Genesis 2:18). In the name of Jesus, I ask that You would protect the husband—a suitable partner—You have chosen for me. Because the covenant of marriage is sacred (Mark 10:9), I ask for a man of God. Please give me a husband whose love for me is only outmatched by his love for You; a man who will cherish me and build me up (Proverbs 31:28); a man who will honor me (I Peter 3:7) and our marriage vows; a man who will be a good father and provider; a man whom I will be attracted to physically, emotionally, and spiritually; a man who will love me as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25). Keep me from attaching myself to another man out of desperation. I will not settle for a relationship that's second best, convenient, or one that feeds my insecurities. Guard my purity and give me the patience to wait. And when I meet him, confirm to me that he is the one. Release from me the baggage of past relationships, and prepare me for the man You have chosen to be my husband. Free me from any hindrances to a healthy and Godly marriage: insecurities, habitual sins, selfishness, and emotional hurts. Dispel my unrealistic expectations that set me up for disappointment. I place my trust in You rather than my partner. In this period of waiting, I will look to You alone to be my companion and best friend. You are the one who redeems my life from the pit, who crowns me with love and compassion, who satisfies my desires with good things (Psalm 103:4-5). I will not be anxious, but as I present my requests to You, flood me with the peace that surpasses all understanding so my heart and my mind are guarded in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6,7). In this request, I commit myself to trust You and do good, to dwell in the land and feed on Your faithfulness. I commit my way to You and trust that You will bring it to pass (Psalm 37:35). Amen.


He is always telling the truth, I honestly believe him and he always believe what I say. I am not sure why he trusts me although I am mean and cruel to him.. ㅠㅠ 


An emotion if not controlled, can control us. It has destroyed homes, relationships and left a mark of bitterness. Sometimes we are unable to give a soft answer; we match anger with anger, tone with tone. The one who is louder is not always the winner.

Many things can provoke us to anger - people at home, delays in our life, situations, people who we work with. Very often our anger is because the self is affected. But when we give a soft answer it is so different. (Proverbs 25:15). A soft answer is never a sign of weakness. When we do not react in anger, the person and the situation might remain but we will not be the same.

Some people are angry with anything or everyone. Whatever we say upsets them. It is important for us to stand at the foot of the Cross and ask ourselves why we get angry with people and with situations. The Lord endured pain, ridicule and separation from His loved ones, yet, he had words of forgiveness: Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

What does anger do?

Robs us of our peace
Disfigures our face (Cain's countenance had fallen)
Isolates us from others
Make us snap at every situation
Makes us difficult to live with
If people everywhere do not understand us, the problem is not with the people. It is with us. We can give excuses for our anger saying it is genetic. But the Bible does not accept any excuse.

What should we do? How can we overcome anger?

Let us thank God for all situations. Situations need not happen the way we want them to happen.

Accept that people are different. If the entire world is like us, it will be a boring place to live in. 

Thank God there is variety in the world - different people from whom we can learn.

Remember, we are the offended one because we carry this bitterness and anger throughout the day.

Expression of anger leaves a deep impression of negativism about us in others.

Leave our anger in the control and hands of God rather than using it as an excuse.

Others cannot change but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Even if someone hurts us or gets on our nerves, it is always good to thank God for the opportunity to be like Christ. Being like Him in tough situations is difficult. If we are struggling with this, it is good to look at the Cross and look at the way Jesus handled it. We are not dealing with perfect people or situations. But, we have a perfect God who will lead us towards perfection. Let there be forgiveness and love. Let us be pleasant people who will pass on this love to one another.

For every minute we are angry, we lose sixty seconds of happiness.

“유순한 대답은 분노를 쉬게 하여도 과격한 말은 노를 격동하느니라”-- 잠‬ ‭15:1‬ ‭KRV‬‬

San Francisco, California (28.May.2018)


Finding Her: A Friendly Advice For You

Select friends who love God, love you, and who are not afraid to tell you exactly what they think. Ask them to speak into the process early and often. Surround yourself with godly counsel.

Believers in Jesus do not need to play games. Life is short. You don’t have time to mess around with people’s emotions. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Be clear about the process.

A third principle for dating is that it should be between believers in Christ. The Bible is clear those who trust in Jesus are to date (and marry) those who trust in Jesus. You are to love those who do not believe, but you are not to extend a romantic relationship with them. As a believer in Jesus, dating is part of being in commugnity with other believers—a covenant relationship. God does not recognize dating as a “status.” You are either brother and sister in Christ, or you are husband and wife. There is no intermediate sphere. So don’t get this confused.

In the same way, the Bible draws a hard boundary between what is permissible sexually. In marriage, much is permissible. In singleness, none is permissible. And in dating, still none is permissible. True love does not request access to your body while simultaneously avoiding any responsibility to care for you emotionally and financially. So, until the two of you are married before God, you are still two. You are separate.

However, there are just too many women in your life:

  1. A Korean girl who undewent plastic surgery and thinks she is already pretty. A presbyterian woman who fornicate (what else can a woman do secretly) and who worship K-Pop, BTS, hip-hop, computer security hacking and robotics.

2. A Cambodian office girl who was perfected by camera filters and make-up or cosmetics.

3. One who looked professional on a white gown but is actually unprofessional with those cleavage-revealing sando.

4. A Filipina girl who just graduated last October and decided to wear a black bra then flaunt it in Social Media (too worldly). How does someone feel when they have their chest wide open in public?? 

5. A Vietnamese who seemed like a porn star with short thin clothes and a short pants revealing too much skin.

6. A latina Christian woman who is obsessed with cosmetics.

7. Some Chinese who are also obsessed with make-up and plastic surgery and love to flaunt their barbie doll face in Social Media. 

8. A Filipina graduate who looked like she does nothing in life but post herself publicly on Facebook.

9. Thailanders who loves cosmetics and loves flirting with Korean men.

10. And a lot more foreign women.. 

Yes, your sideline/business might be about cosmetics but if you are a genuine Christian, you will avoid circumstances which engage yourself in wordly stuff. They will definitely corrupt your heart, mind and soul and keep you away from having a healthy relationship with Jesus Christ. Please DO NOT be mistaken to consider yourself a Christian if you are a close friend to all these exquisitely wordly women. Adultery is not parallel to Christianity. You will not find your wife in them, look for her at the well like how Jacob found her wife Rebekka. GOD BLESS on your quest for a partner in life or you will stay flirting/adultery all your life. 

Remember you represent the entire Presbyterian Christian community if you will do the analysis. 

GOD does not look on what you do but on how you do what you do. 
