What Kind of Christians Are We?

This note might sound too offending to the entire denomination but personally knowing a lot like them of the same religion, I could testify the reality of this testimony. My apologies.

According to Wikipedia, there are 10 million Presbyterians in South Korea. All Korean Presbyterian folks I have met and have known so far fit to the video uploader description of "Lukewarm Christians". Going to church on Sundays but not really followers of Jesus at all. They think that going to church is all they have to do. They are hostile and unwilling to hear or talk about the urgency of the time. In their sermon/teaching, there is zero mention of end times and zero mention of full repentance. Not at all. All hypocrisy. They believe that Sunday attendance is a must, you are sinning if you don't go to church building on Sunday and they are not really applying the Holy Bible teaching in their lives. They believe that Calvinism is great, smoking, drinking and going to clubs is not sinful, lust, fornication and immorality of all sorts are accepted, undergoing plastic surgery to get confidence is okay, greedy for popularity, fame and always after money and career, never satisfied on anything, always envious and they are calling another rebuking-believer a pharisee. More worst, they are full of vanity like the non-believers. The presbyterian people I have known fit the characteristics of "Lukewarm Christians". Fornication is normal with Presbyterian people too. And many people choose this Christian denomination because they do not really teach the true Gospel of Jesus regarding SINS. Many Koreans choose this denomination to escape the punch of the reality of GOD's Word. I was really wondering why these kind of beliefs and doctrines exists. 

Many of then do also have sorrows in life but based on my observation, theirs are just worldly sorrows like feeling bad of not having good career like others, feeling miserable because of not having too much money, some are sad because they could not buy the trendy make-up/cosmetics online, they feel bad because their skin are not as great as the actress they see on TV, or the trendy clothes, shoes and bags they wanted are too expensive for them to purchase. More of them are addicted to movies, video/mobile games and pornography and sex outside marriage. They are totally a different group of Christians than a non-denominational or with other denominations of Christians in their country. I have witnessed and observed everything. It has been many years of observation, it is a warning for me since.. 

I pray that GOD will do great miracles to change these things according to His Plan and Will.

Please carefully take a listen to this video in the link below. Surprisingly, his description really fit them. Truly sad, apostacy is happening too.. 

Lukewarm Christians Defined

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