hm.. :)

IELTS.. practice, coherence, cohesion, confidence, relax, concentrate, discipline, awareness, lexical resource, fluent, error-free, spontaneous, band 8, style,  writing, reading, listening, speaking, elaborate, grammatical range, tenses, vocabulary, conjunctions, adjectives, graphs, task 1, task 2,   prayer, Jesus Christ. IELTS.. practice, coherence, cohesion, confidence, relax, concentrate, discipline, awareness, lexical resource, fluent, error-free, spontaneous, band 8, style,  writing, reading, listening, speaking, elaborate, grammatical range, tenses, vocabulary, conjunctions, adjectives, graphs, task 1, task 2,   prayer, Jesus Christ. IELTS.. practice, coherence, cohesion, confidence, relax, concentrate, discipline, awareness, lexical resource, fluent, error-free, spontaneous, band 8, style,  writing, reading, listening, speaking, elaborate, grammatical range, tenses, vocabulary, conjunctions, adjectives, graphs, task 1, task 2,   prayer, Jesus Christ. 

really very good tips

Writing Task Part 1

Writing Task Part 2

CHRISTMAS TIME!!!! weeeee~ lovely <3

My Favourite Time of Year - The Florin Street Band