Fruit Of The Spirit, A Must-Have

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

There are times when we raise our voice to our parents. The video is simply telling that we should always watch out our actions towards our parents. They were made by GOD for a purpose in our lives. They were not created as our earthly loving parents if GOD won't allow them to share their wholeness upon us. When we were born, parents did everything to give us what we needed. They mastered the language of love, they also mastered the art of sacrifice, they even mastered how to control their tears despite how heavily it downpour. Parents are the ultimate source of strength which also comes from the LORD. They can see things, they can feel emotions, and they can sense our thoughts even if we are tongue-tied to speak.

Being a parent, myself, is really challenging. I always have to make sure that if I get angry, I should explain to her the reason of my actions. Also, if I raise my voice towards my sister, I should explain to her why I got mad or if her aunt did something not right. Every detail of my actions must be explained to her because a child mimics the parent’s actions. They tend to do what we do and sometimes what we say. It's very important that we learn to live wisely and spiritually equip in front of our children to match how we want them to become as adults. If our doings and our sayings are the same and good, then it won't matter which one they mimic. If she grows doing it without knowing the impact; she will only acquire a bad trait.

She’s eight right now and I seldom hear her raising voices towards me and I hardly ever feel she’s angry at me. She does not even say if she’s complaining about me being away for too long from her. She understands if she can’t buy what she wanted and she recognizes if we cannot afford to have something at the moment she feels like having for example a book or some toys. She does not ask for many material things aside from Bible book and any educational English books.

I know that I am not a perfect parent to her because I chose to be far away for a better living than to be with her. However, I made sure that I constantly communicate with them to let her know I am away for a purpose. I know that this lovely kid is loved by GOD so dearly. She even had dreams where she visits Heaven’s gate and was able to talk to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. She got a message of love from the LORD and she always does. She recently got a message and it as an alarming one and we have to pray constantly for this dream.

I am happy for my child because she is growing deeply in-love with GOD. I always pray that she won’t change and I always tell her that no matter what happens, she should keep her deep faith in CHRIST JESUS. She should not let the devil devour her heart and replace it with impurities. I am asking GOD for more guidance in raising my child so that she will only absorb good stuff. I pray that she will be a prayerful kid, who is persistently bringing everything to Jesus. I should bring her to the church so she can participate in Sunday school activities with other Christian kids. Like me, I should let her grow her faith through her church teachers and GOD-fearing peers. There is so much happiness as a parent if your kid grows so well under the loving care of everyone around her.

Dear Father,

Help us as parents become an excellent example in front of our children, so they don't repeat our failures, but become better adults. Give your guidance upon us so we can become a good role model to them by showing the greatest love they should have.

In Jesus' Name.

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