Your Plan, HIS plan :)

"Doing the will of GOD leaves me no time for disputing about His plans."

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."

"I would rather be what GOD chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in GOD's thought, and then made by GOD, is the dearest, grandest and most precious thing in all thinking."

"Man finds it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best; GOD finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it."

"We are all very anxious to be understood, and it is very hard not to be. But there is one thing much more necessary.'
What is that, grandmother?'
To understand other people.'
Yes, grandmother. I must be fair - for if I'm not fair to other people, I'm not worth being understood myself. I see."

"As you grow ready for it, somewhere or other you will find what is needful for you in a book."

"If we will but let our God and Father work His will with us, there can be no limit to His enlargement of our existence."

"The best thing you can do for your fellow, next to rousing his conscience, is — not to give him things to think about, but to wake things up that are in him; or say, to make him think things for himself."

"I don't know how to thank you.'
Then I will tell you. There is only one way I care for. Do better, and grow better, and be better."

"You must learn to be strong in the dark as well as in the day, else you will always be only half brave."

"Only he knew that to be left alone is not always to be forsaken."

"To love righteousness is to make it grow, not to avenge it. Throughout his life on earth, Jesus resisted every impulse to work more rapidly for a lower good."

"What God may hereafter require of you, you must not give yourself the least trouble about. Everything He gives you to do, you must do as well as ever you can, and that is the best possible preparation for what He may want you to do next. If people would but do what they have to do, they would always find themselves ready for what came next."

"His face was fair and pretty, with eyes like two bits of night sky, each with a star dissolved in the blue."

-Qoutes from George McDonald

  Beef Noodles at Asian Turo-Turo in Green River.  

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