My Mind is Concerned For The Gals

I think a Western man wrote this article which speaks out about/for his own race. 

42 Things Wrong With American Women

1. They’re fat.

2. They’re constantly glued to their phone.

3. They cut their hair short.

4. They’re more impressed by a crappy DJ than a doctor who saves lives.

5. They think being funny and witty is a quality that men love.

6. They listen to magazines like Cosmo when it comes to pleasing men.

7. They don’t know how to cook.

8. They wear flip-flops even when they’re not at the beach, pool, or in their house.

9. They have condoms in their drawers because they expect to have random sex with strange men.

10. They cannot dance. They also do not know how to sing or play basic musical instruments.

11. They idolize drug addicted celebrities, mimicking their brain-dead behaviors.

12. They acquire pets instead of putting effort into landing a quality man.

13. They don’t know how to be sexy.

14. They have standards way beyond their level of attractiveness.

15. They think having a good job means they’re a good catch.

16. They wear pajamas in public.

17. They like Twilight and The Secret.

18. Their idea of travel is going to the beach or France.

19. They have too many trashy tattoos.

20. They are proud to date multiple guys at the same time, as if they were men.

21. They are not close to their family, and would rather die than take care of aging parents.

22. They say filthy things in bed when you hardly know them.

23. They cockblock regularly.

24. They make lame excuses for not putting effort into their appearance.

25. They obsess about the environment above what is reasonable, even though they pollute more than 90% of people in the world.

26. They always lie by saying, “I’ve never done this before.”

27. They confuse being a challenge with being whiny and annoying.

28. They are acne prone.

29. They watch way too much TV.

30. On their way home from work, they put on dirty sneakers that don’t match their outfit.

31. They only dress up for special occasions, like a friend’s birthday, Presidential inauguration, or a Sex and the City movie premiere.

32. They like to age their skin prematurely through frequent tanning.

33. They insist on eating pizza or otherwise fattening food after a night of binge drinking.

34. They’re obsessed with cupcakes.

35. They care more about maintaining their career than a good home.

36. They rarely wear high heels.

37. They think dining out and eating food slathered with butter and salt makes them cultured.

38. They don’t speak a foreign language.

39. They are uncomfortable in their own skin.

40. They like Ikea furniture.

41. They have the intellectual curiosity of a dung beetle.

42. They go on and on about the stupidest shit.


I am not a Western woman so somehow I am not directly hit by the list of strikes above. I actually became well informed of what an American woman appears to a Western man? Or any man? Perhaps, the article is a mere expression of the author's bitterness since he might have had several bad experiences with them or injustice against American girls embraced him. I would like to say that it is a reallity and certain truth that the majority of Western women posses positive chakra within them. (Chakra pertains to all positive things a man can think about). Each woman definitely has their own lapses but it is not fair to hold it against them. As an Asian, I know some women of my own race and I will also say that some of these in the list apply to them. However, is it more encouraging to say that some professionals in my country display better scenes of who they are inside and out with men. Every situation which would require a screening of a woman is considered case-to-case-basis because every person is indeed different similar to how we see different men. 

Some women in general for example, do not know how to fill a man's empty stomach but still it depends on the man's acceptance of her imperfection (if I could consider poor cooking skill a flaw). Many women who are skilled and strategic in everything could easily adapt and make adjustments by, let say, learning how to prepare a meal a person loves. A way to a person's heart is through the empty stomach. I generalize this idiom because it is a blessing to be shared with something you love-food. 

An ideal woman does not exists but it is the differences of two people which serves as a primary key to learning how to be successful and feel happy about women or vise-versa. It is always a woman's hope/prayer that men would appreciate, acknowledge, consider, respect, care, protect, and love them with all truthfulness. It is also certain that meeting good qualities of a man each woman desires is not through a game of fate but a matter of hard-work. 

On the other hand, I respect the opinion of the author and although the article denounce negative truth about western women, I strongly disagree to his predicament because, so far, all American women I met during my every visit/stay in the USA are nice, sweet, and posses an aura of being well-educated instead of seeing them with the opposite defined characteristics. 

09.August.2014 PHT @07:31am
.. And I will have a breakfast date with my baby and lovely niece before going to bed after a Friday night shift duty. ^____^ #bliss

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