Alone With 'Him'

Life is full of hurts, happiness, excitements and the likes. Is it like a bunch of things felt in mixed emotions. Every inch is described by a feeling, which later could control our mind, so as our decisions. 

It is believed that decisions come first from what was thought, the notions are encapsulated, knitted with what happened then will be expressed what it formed to either with happy thoughts, sorrows or love. 

It neither goes to left nor lean to the right, it is always in balanced. We meet different people who at first are considered strangers, then later might become friends then will feel mutual desires for each other. 

It is so happy to see couples holding hands while cherishing memories they will keep with them forever. Life is like a so big candy. As you taste each savor, you’ll get to know your purpose and who you are on earth. Like how a kid pour tears when another one took his candy away from them, the mature reality will make us shed tears too.

Meeting a lot of people, sharing yourself and loving them will not always guarantee that they will love you back. Reaching out is a hard-work but it is worth it in the end once you find a true bliss. But being alone does not always mean you’re a bad person. It also does not say you’re ugly, a whore and definitely a no monster. It is because you chose it, which some experiences brought you to believe that’s what you hoped for a while. 

Staying that way doesn't also make you feel condemned for God did not create a human lonely. He made two people to become one. This serves as a symbol that there is for sure someone for everyone out there. Maybe you have not found the half of your heart yet with somebody but be certain that you might encounter them who are just somewhere. They could even just waiting for a right time, right circumstances and right place to be with you. 

So, whatever life’s gift to us, we should accept it little by little with smiles. Grab everything that is handed to our senses. Feel all sorts of emotions and express what you always wanted to say, because some time or another you might no longer have another chance to say them what you feel. Keep up with life’s saddle. If being alone is our gift, embrace it with all our heart because someday, something so beautiful will still or can definitely happen. 

Ah, I lost coherence.. too bad write-up. :’( blah~ :’[ 

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