Missing U

missing someone can mean all sorts of things.. 
depends on the person you are missing.. 
you miss someone that you have never met in person.. 
you miss hearing this person's voice.. 
you miss this person so bad sometimes it hurts.. :'(

One of the well-known dictionary's definitions for the word "miss" is to "notice or feel the loss or absence of". It always seemed to me that you could only miss somebody or something that you had been accustomed to having with you. However, I've also been giving this some thought and I'm wondering whether it is actually possible to "miss" somebody without having seen them. This doesn't seem to be ruled out by the dictionary's definition. What do you think?

That's really interesting.. like the dictionary definition, I would assume you can only 'miss' something that you have experienced before, therefore wanting the same experience/feeling/person to be with you again.. haha I feel like I'm going around the bush.. but how can you miss something/someone if you've never had it/them?

But you sure can miss someone you have talked to online or communicated/talked to on the phone, even though you have never seen/met them.. hm..

#justathought :D blah! 

and certainly missing someone so much who perhaps..

"You know when you've found it 'cause you feel it when they take it away."

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