A Pearl Heart

Jesus often told parables (The Pearl Of Great Price) – lovely stories with a deep hidden meaning. To tell us how valuable the Kingdom of God is, he told two parables. One is about the ‘Hidden Treasure in the Field’ and one is about ‘The Pearl of Great Price.’ They are told together in – Matthew 13: 44-46 

A superficial reading tends to tell us they both have the same meaning - not so !

Pearls – great monetary value

In the 1st Century Mediterranean world, pearl’s were highly prized and sought after in seas as the Persian Gulf, The Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Pearl’s were the highest goods – having the first place and top rank of price.

It is said that Julius Caesar bought just one pearl for his love, Servillia costing 6 million sesterces [1.5 million denarii] – Suetonius

There at the time this parable was spoken people understood the magnificence of the Kingdom of God when Jesus compared it to a pearl of great value.

Hidden Meaning of the Parables

Both parables speak about the Kingdom of God as a ‘discovered treasure,’ however the ‘emphasis’ of the two differs.

The Stumbler

In the parable of the Treasure in the Field, a man accidentally stumbles upon some treasure in a field. He is filled with joyful surprise and sells all that he has so that he can buy that field.

Now this guy definitely found a treasure of immense value and his response was also good. He did a wise thing to buy that field. However he does not seem to know the true VALUE of this treasure, and so all he does is sit on it. He does not seem to be taking any further action apart from having the good fortune of owning this field.

The Seeker

In the parable of the Pearl of Great Price, the guy is actively seeking the Kingdom – one does ot stumble upon it. Pearl divers go deep into the ocean, at the risk of their lives seeking these precious pearls. They KNOW the VALUE of it and they go after it. The treasure is discovered as a result of actively seeking it – AND then the Seeker finds something b-e-y-o-n-d his/her expectations.

Stumbling vs. Seeking

Matthew 6: 33 - Jesus told us to ‘seek’ the Kingdom of God. The Hebrew word for seek is ‘research’ - which means to investigate, explore, examine with the purpose of finding something. Before Jesus made this statement he talked about some things people earnestly seek – food, clothes, home, a living and all those necessary things of life. He said if you would ‘seek’ the Kingdom of God first, then you would find all these things in there !

The Pearl

A pearl starts its life in an extraordinary manner. A small irritant gets into an oyster – and it cannot dislodge it. So the oyster coats it with layers of a solid, slick called nacre. This develops into a beautiful pearl.

Just so, you might have a need in your life. An irritant – maybe you lack finances, or you want a spouse, or you need a healing – whatever your irritant maybe – if you were to SEEK, like a pearl diver and research the Word of God, you could coat the irritant with the slick nacre of God’s Word, and you might find something way beyond what you were expecting. You might find that healing for what seems incurable. You might find prosperity beyond your wildest dreams. A treasure beyond measure.

You inherited many Blessings when you received Jesus Christ. Read about The Blessing.

Stumblers do not know The Blessing is the great treasure they have stumbled upon. Though they are sitting on a treasure they do not know the benefits of it – and so they go through life – sick, lonely, distressed, depressed, poor and needy in many areas. Jesus said don’t stumble over me – if you have stumbled into the Kingdom – get up and discover what you have stumbled into.

Discover your riches.

Seekers find the treasures of the Kingdom, they prosper in every area of their life so they live in the abundance that Jesus came to give us – John 10: 10 (b). They live in health, wealth, prosperity, joy, peace and wholeness in every area of life.

My father’s house is filled with treasures – If you are a Stumbler, or a Seeker

"Lord Jesus, the heart may get contused even if we try to avoid it. Also true lest some people will scar it though goodness radiates even well. But it is certainly never a mistake to ceaselessly sustain its warmth and let it emanates a true beauty of unselfishness, purity, self-control, determination, self-respect, cheerfulness, honesty, kindness, trust and love. Thank you for the loving ones who accept it unconditionally. Thank you for the eyes and ears, which see without a doubt and hear with no ruling." - a bruised heart ♥

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