Now, It is Defined.. i am again.. hm.. i can say others can describe LOVE but can't define it... hm.. i think they are absolutely right.. i myself just couldn't define it but all i know is this is a one-precious God-given gift to humanity that everyone has overwhelmingly felt and expressed. is described in different ways but one thing for sure.. it is really magnificent!

Please excuse me if this post will strike someone but it does not ought to give such verdict intentionally.

God Bless you us all. 

(this is a repost)

An infatuation is the state of being completely carried away by an attraction to someone. The dictionary calls it "being blindly in love." In other words, you are so carried away by this that you don't know what you are doing or where you are going. The one involved in a romantic infatuation usually cannot think of anything or anyone else other that the person he or she is "in love with." An infatuation is an exciting experience--an emotional high--but it never lasts long because it is NOT true love. One of the signs of an infatuation is that you tend to idolize the person you think you are in love with. Everything they say or do seems just perfect to you. You don't see any flaws. Other people can see plenty of "danger signals," but you can't see them because you are "blindly in love." our romantic feelings have taken over and you are not using ordinary good sense. 

When you are involved in a romantic infatuation. you tend to be disorganized. You are not yourself. You are irresponsible and you tend to neglect your duties. Sometimes young people will daydream and "laze" around, not doing their duties. Someone will ask, "What is the matter with you, Caroline? You are not yourself." Caroline will smile sweetly and say, "Oh, I'm in love." No, she isn't! She is infatuated. If she were in love and her love was the real thing, she would be concerned about her duties, preparing and planning for her future. Most infatuations don't last long. What does last is the bitter fruit of wrongdoing committed during the infatuation. Remember, when you are infatuated, you don't use common sense. Your romantic feelings are in control. When this happens, you can do some things that you will regret the rest of your life.

Lust is an intense desire to satisfy one's sexual appetite. Lust often goes under the name of "love," but lust and love are two entirely different things.

LUST is SELFISH - the emphasis is on getting something. Lust demands immediate satisfaction. Lust says, "I want it for my own pleasure, I want it regardless of the consequences, and I want it now."

LOVE IS UNSELFISH - the emphasis is on giving. Love wants what is best for the other person. Love is willing to wait. Real love will wait for the right time and the right circumstances.

The Bible gives examples of both lust and love. Ammon, one of David's sons, thought that he was madly in love with Tamar, his half-sister He desired her so much that he was literally sick. One of his evil friends suggested a plan whereby he could get Tamar alone. Amnon carried out this plan and forced Tamar to have sex with him. What happened next? He no longer care for her. In fact, he hated her. Ammon's love was not love at all. It was just lust. On the other hand, the Bible tells of the love Jacob had for Rachel. Jacob had to work for Rachel's father seven long years in order to obtain Rachel as his wife. Jacob was willing to work and wait for Rachel because his love was the real thing. The Bible says that sever years "seemed to him but a few days" because of the love he had for her.

Sexual attraction is physical attraction between a fellow and a girl. We are built with a sex drive which causes us to be interested in the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong or sinful about this. God made us this way. Sin comes when we attempt to satisfy our sexual drive in a wrong way. To be sexually attracted to someone does NOT mean that you are in love with that person. A fellow sees a girl with a beautiful figure and he says, "Wow!" A girl sees handsome football player and her heart skips a beat or two. Is that love? No, it's simply physical attraction between a fellow and a girl. Movies, television, magazines, and books constantly bombard us with this idea: "Find someone who turns you on...if you have a good sex life, that's all that matters."

The campus beauty queen marries the former captain of the football team and everybody sighs and says. "What a handsome couple!" But in a short while, their marriage is broken. Why? Because there was no real love between them. They were just sexually attracted to each other and had little in common besides this. They soon became bored with each other. Remember, sexual attraction not love. There is a vital place in marriage for sexual attraction, but a marriage cannot be built on sexual attraction alone. There are couples by the thousands who could not or did not resist sexual involvement before they were married, but now they cannot stand to touch each other.

Real love has many qualities. It does contain the magical element of physical attraction. But it is a lot more than this. Love has roots in friendship. In true love, you love the total person. You 
enjoy being with that person sharing things with them. 

Real love is unselfish. It sacrifices for the one it loves. And it carries with it the vital quality of commitment It doesn't give up or quit when problems come along. Real love will bring out the best in you. You want the one you love to be proud of you. If you are just infatuated with someone, you may "laze" around and daydream, but if your love is real, you apply yourself to your work, you make plans, and you prepare for the future. Real love is not just a wonderful feeling that strikes you suddenly. It takes time to grow and develop. Some of the most popular songs in the world of music give the wrong impression that falling in love with someone at first sight is real love. You don't "fall" into real love---you grow into it. You have to know a person before you can love that person with real love. It is impossible to truly know someone at first sight, and it is likewise impossible to have real love for someone at first sight. You may be attracted to someone at first sight you may even be "turned on" by someone at first sight But you cannot genuinely love a person whom you do not really know.

Satan does not want you to know and experience true love. That is why he promotes all kinds of false love. He wants you to get involved in sex outside of marriage. He wants to generally mess up your life so that you think life is not worth living. God, on the other hand, loves you supremely and desires only what is best for you. He wants you to have precious love--not cheap sex. If it is His will for you to be married, He has just the right person for you. He wants you to have a mate who loves you unselfishly and is committed to you for life. And He likewise wants you to be committed to that person for life. He wants your home to be a little bit of Heaven on earth.

-love, dating and marriage

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