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..thought it will end into something so nice and happy~
I was wrong..

..thought, I can already have what I have been dreaming of..
It was off beam again.. T_T

.. thought I can have one good person who will take care of my existence as a close friend..
It was another false notion.. ᇂ_ᇂ

why?? failed? why I failed? what have I done? >.<
someone never know and will never understand what's behind my smiles..

only then when I finally find someone who will be so concerned of me, who will put full effort to know how am I doing, who will show how much care/love is reserved for me.. I can truly say - HE's THE ONE~~ >.

.. I will not seek for more than what's enough,
enough time to talk to me,
enough time to show how worried his face will become if I am not at sight,
enough time to at least say "hello" or "hi" in any ways there could possibly be,
enough time to take extra hours to chatter and tell, hey friend.. this is such a nice thing you must know and blah blah (a short chitchat)
enough time to send a note on MSN, Skype, Facebook, YM, yahoo mail and hotmail just to let me know that he exists.

.. these memorable yet romantic things are so remarkable to experience..
so indeed an incredible feeling.. so lovely and gentle.
oh God~ I can't wait to see and meet him one day..

i am a hopeless romantic but my heart doesn't beat as such,
my heart will be pure until I gradually sense the feeling of being loved and taken care of.

.. still waiting, waiting.. waiting..^__^
i am just here, YOU..if you are just waiting.. ^^ (not known to me yet)
be safe until we finally meet.. - UNKNOWN ONE

my life tells me affirmatively that.. I meet extremely good people each day of my life.
just that none of us fancy each other likewise but I am confident that I will meet that person soon

..and treat him like a STAR.. 

"Time heals all wounds"
with friendship;;
it doesn`t matter how long you`ve known
each other, or how many fights you got into,
what matters is who said "i`ll be here for you"
& actually proved it..

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

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